This is one of the most wonderful videos I have seen in a long time.
Made my smile and made me wonder if we sometimes forget to live in our everyday life. Everyday should be an opportunity and a gift. Living more mindful is the solution! Actually 2014 is "the year of mindful living". So if you haven´t started - start today.
Here are some points that make you more mindful:
1 - Take a walk and wonder/question/dream/be just YOU
2 - Create!
3 - Turn everyday tasks into creative moments
4 - Stop once and a while to just breathe
5 - Unitasking
6 - Do things that scare you
7 - Learn to meditate
8 - Be thankful and show it
Read more about it here:
"Life is like a roadtrip - enjoy each day and don´t carry too much baggage!"