I just read an article about the meaning of life. To own things that you really love makes you happy and gives you a reason to live. One psychologist said
"One, who never bought needless things in life will never be completely happy."
Shopping means looking for that special thing that makes your heart beating- it is like falling in love. But how many things do we need to be happy and satisfied? Do we need 10 or 50 or even 100 or more? The most important part is that we love the things that we own. And in the moment that we buy a thing the value for us is even higher than just seeing it. But the value of things depend from person to person.
Go in your closet and give away the things that you don´t really like and while doing that you will have a small amount of things that you love with all our heart and never want to let it go! I mean you could never say forever.. through changes you can feel different about things.
The Vogue gave me a good reason to go shopping! But never forget, it can never replace the love to your family, boyfriend and close friends.
Have a happy FRIDAY!